
Special Offering for India

At Woodlands we are having a special offering to raise funds for a charity in Tamil Nadu, India.

I’m sure you have seen some of the news about what’s happening in India at the moment. Yesterday 350,000 new cases of COVID and 2,750 deaths and that’s only what is actually reported. Oxygen is running out, ICU beds are 98% occupied in Delhi and Mumbai. It’s tragic and not least for the most vulnerable, the elderly, the infirm and the poor.

Dave Cheeseman from our church family works with ‘The Anderson Educational Trust’ in Tamil Nadu, Southern India, and they are working tirelessly identifying the very poorest of villages and doing a variety of food distributions. Thousands of eggs have been given out, rice, lentils and a weeks worth of vegetables and rice to 392 families, costing about £2/family.

PLEASE help us to support them as they continue to help the most vulnerable in these times. Even £2 or £3 helps.

Thank you for your support and love despite not knowing these people, they are beyond appreciative. 

How to Give

If you are a Woodlands church member and would like to give, follow the link below to our giving page: