
Money, Sex & Power: Power Play | Rachel Riddall at 11am | 31 October 2021

At our morning services in October our series is looking at Money, Sex & Power.

31 October 2021 - 11am Service

Money, Sex & Power Series

This month, we’re taking time to look at how Money, Sex & Power can affect our lives.

You might be wondering, why these three? In the Bible, these ingredients are dealt with completely counter culturally by Jesus, yet His Church has a really bad track record with all three. However, money, sex and power can be great gifts for the blessing of others when surrendered to God.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read Matthew 23:1-12 and Luke 22:24-30.

Power and control are powerful inducements for people. Is it true that ‘power corrupts’?

Jesus confronted power, especially in the last week of his life where the ‘powers’ were gathered and focused in Jerusalem where Jesus embraced the vulnerability and power of the Cross.

His teaching speaks of an upside-down relationship with power. Why is it so hard for his followers to obey his teachings and live them out?

1. How come a humble title like ‘minister’ (which means servant) becomes a power and status word?

  1. How does power flow in a typical organisation around leadership, promotion and seniority?

  2. How does power flow in the life of Jesus?

  3. What powers does Jesus confront in the last week of his life?

  4. What should power look like in the Church, the community of the Kingdom of God?

  5. What are the best motives for seeking power? How can power holders avoid the dangers of being ‘corrupted’ by power or abusing it in some way?

  6. How should the Church challenge ‘secular’ power today?

Richard Foster wrote a book called Money, Sex and Power which might be helpful as a follow up read.

Money, Sex & Power: Safe Sex | David Mitchell at 11am | 24 October 2021

At our morning services in October our series is looking at Money, Sex & Power.

24 October 2021 - 11am Service

Money, Sex & Power Series

This month, we’re taking time to look at how Money, Sex & Power can affect our lives.

You might be wondering, why these three? In the Bible, these ingredients are dealt with completely counter culturally by Jesus, yet His Church has a really bad track record with all three. However, money, sex and power can be great gifts for the blessing of others when surrendered to God.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read Genesis 1: 27-28 and Mathew 19: 1-12. Supporting passages include 2 Samuel 13, John 8:1-11 and 1 Corinthians 6:12-7:40.

Traditional teaching on sexuality is an area of great tension in the Church today, but is in the context of enormous liberal change in wider society. There are at least two currents of thought in the Church. One current is aimed at removing unhealthy shame, and making Church much more inclusive in the realm of sexuality. Another current is around protection and healing from sexual brokenness and with it an emphasis on good and appropriate boundaries.

  1. Biblical ‘first things’ are important. What is the first thing God says to humans in scripture (Genesis 1: 28)?

  2. Why is sex such a difficult subject to discuss?

  3. Why do boundaries exist around sex in scripture? How much of sexual rules and practice in Scripture are contextual to a society that is closely bound up with clan and family and knows nothing of ‘family planning’; and which rules are God’s plan for all time?

  4. What about sex and identity? How do you understand Jesus’ teaching in Mathew 19 verses 11 & 12 ?

  5. What should Church be celebrating around human sexuality? How do we avoid judgemental stereotyping? Why have there been so many sex scandals in Churches and how can these be guarded against?

  6. How do single people acknowledge their sexuality?

  7. How does a ‘secret history’ in the area of sexuality affect the whole of life for good or evil?

Richard Foster wrote a book called Money, Sex and Power which might be helpful as a follow up read.

Money, Sex & Power: Just Giving | Nigel Savage at 11am | 17 October 2021

At our morning services in October our series is looking at Money, Sex & Power.

17 October 2021 - 11am Service

Money, Sex & Power Series

This month, we’re taking time to look at how Money, Sex & Power can affect our lives.

You might be wondering, why these three? In the Bible, these ingredients are dealt with completely counter culturally by Jesus, yet His Church has a really bad track record with all three. However, money, sex and power can be great gifts for the blessing of others when surrendered to God.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read James 5:1-6 and Deuteronomy 15.

How does the Jubilee tradition speak to our world today?

In the Old Testament law, Jubilee was a 50 year practice to ‘reset’ the economy and redistribute wealth to prevent entrenched systemic disadvantage to the poor. Release of debt spoke to a people who themselves had been released from Slavery by the hand of God.

Should our own story of salvation affect our attitudes to systemic material injustice? The bible seems to suggest it does. The bible frequently calls out for the defence of the most vulnerable in society and the most financially imperilled, Widows, Orphans and resident aliens.

  1. How do world systems of trade and finance disempower the poorest people on the planet? What can we do about systemic injustice and financial inequality?

  2. Is it really possible that there could be no needy ones among us? (Deut 15/Acts 4:34)

  3. How do we deal with personal debt? What are good financial practices for wholesome


  4. How do we respond financially to people who beg, including who have addictions

  5. How can we be mentored and mentor others in good financial practice? What are some top


  6. Should giving to the poor part of our spiritual disciplines (Matt 6)? If so why and how?

Richard Foster wrote a book called Money, Sex and Power which might be helpful as a follow up read.

Money, Sex & Power: Giving to God | Rob Scott Cook at 11am | 10 October 2021

At our morning services in October our series is looking at Money, Sex & Power.

10 October 2021 - 11am Service

Money, Sex & Power Series

This month, we’re taking time to look at how Money, Sex & Power can affect our lives.

You might be wondering, why these three? In the Bible, these ingredients are dealt with completely counter culturally by Jesus, yet His Church has a really bad track record with all three. However, money, sex and power can be great gifts for the blessing of others when surrendered to God.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read Malachi 3:8, Matthew 6:19-34, Mark 12:4-1 1 and Corinthians 16:1-2.

The Bible talks a lot about giving to God of our material substance, and Jesus spoke about money directly in preaching but also through parables. The sacrificial system of the Old Testament was all about giving back to God from what He gave His people, and the practice of tithing has found its way from Judaism into Christian practice throughout the centuries.

  1. What is the basis for Christian giving financially? Do we have the freedom to be generous, free from fear?

  2. How do we give to God? How does God want us to give? Is tithing an appropriate model for Christians or an archaic Old Testament legalism?

  3. How do we give in community, the Church? What is the balance between giving to the poor and giving to ministry?

  4. How do we handle finance at Woodlands? What are the priorities values and practices that are in our culture as a Church around money and giving?

  5. How much should Church emphasise giving financially and why?

Richard Foster wrote a book called Money, Sex and Power which might be helpful as a follow up read.

Money, Sex & Power: Dethroning Idols | Tim Dobson at 11am | 3 October 2021

At our morning services in October our series is looking at Money, Sex & Power.

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3 October 2021 - 11am Service

Money, Sex & Power Series

This month, we’re taking time to look at how Money, Sex & Power can affect our lives.

You might be wondering, why these three? In the Bible, these ingredients are dealt with completely counter culturally by Jesus, yet His Church has a really bad track record with all three. However, money, sex and power can be great gifts for the blessing of others when surrendered to God.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


In Job 31, Job gives a searching moral inventory where he declares his innocence from classic human weaknesses and sins, including the areas of abuse of money, sex and power.

Jesus of course spoke and demonstrated a life that was radically different in speaking of and handling money sex and power to the culture around him. He frequently shocked his disciples by his different approach to all three of those things.

Money, Sex and Power can corrupt religion, and become idols - powers that people give themselves to. How should we handle them today?

  1. How would you define an ‘idol’? In Old Testament times idols were worshipped as alternatives to the God of Israel. What shape does idolatry have in our world today?

  2. What is the link between Money Sex and Power? How does a pursuit of these things affect our relationship with God and other people?

  3. How did Jesus model a different approach to these things? What did he teach?

  4. What are the things we could celebrate about money, sex and power? Are they dangerous or wrong in themselves or are they simply neutral things that can be used or abused?

  5. How should Christians live in relationship with money, sex and power? How can God be involved in those three?

Richard Foster wrote a book called Money, Sex and Power which might be helpful as a follow up read.