Sept PrayerWeek is coming!


Prayer can feel a bit of a mystery at times!

And yet Jesus prayed and he also taught his disciples to pray. Matthew 6;6 says, "When you pray..." Jesus assumes we'll be praying too.

Prayer is a brilliant gift from God to us. Maybe one that we haven't fully appreciated.  At any point in our day we can reach out to God in prayer and know that he hears us and longs to answer us.

I love this Pete Greig quote from Dirty Glory:
" I don't pray because I'm into prayer. I pray because I'm into Jesus, so we talk. I don't believe in the power of prayer. I believe in the power of Jesus, so I ask for his help. A lot!"

So, why have a week of Prayer? We need Jesus help. A lot! We need his help in our lives, our church, our city and our world. At the beginning of a busy term it's so great to pray and say to God 'we need you'. In fact that is a good prayer to pray in any and every situation. This is what we're doing this week, were saying to God, 'we need you, we're open to you, we will do whatever it takes to follow you.'

The prayers said this week will change situations and usher in God's kingdom in new ways. But praying will also change us as we spend time with Jesus.

Have a great prayer week, dream big and pray big!

  1. Sign up for 24/7 Prayer Room via the website, we have 168 hours to fill!
  2. Find an hour to pray through the '1 hour of prayer guide' next week which you will be emailed.
  3. Come along to morning PrayerWatch Fri 16th Sept, 7.15-8.15am in the Foyer.

Love Rachel.