Resolute Series for January 2021

How can we do the New Year well?

This January, we’re looking at how small disciplines give big results in our Resolute preaching series.

As we enter into 2021, we’re asking the question: “How can we do the New Year well?” January is renowned for people setting resolutions - but these are often hard to stick to. Change isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible, either. The beliefs and habits we have and the decisions we make influence who we are becoming on a day to day basis.

In this series, we’ll be looking at the foundations we build our lives upon and what happens when everything is shaken. Are our resolutions built on our wisdom, our ability - or His? Self-reflection is really useful tool and we'll be looking at what we need to hold on to and what we should let go of in the year ahead.

Prayer Week is happening from 10th - 17th January and will help us make time to intentionally seek the Spirit as we stand in a day of trouble.

The problem of evil is one for us all to wrestle with. We don't talk much about the devil and our own fallen nature, but we'll spend one Sunday reading the stories of demons and deliverance in the ministry of Jesus to help us in our everyday lives.

We’ll wrap the series up with a focus on how we need to spend time with the Father to be refreshed and strengthened to carry on.

Our preaching topics during this series are:

  • Firm Foundations - 3 Jan

  • Holding On - 10 Jan

  • Standing Strong - 17 Jan

  • Speak of the Devil - 24 Jan

  • The Father’s Heart - 31 Jan