Journeys: Destination Heaven | Dave Mitchell at 7pm | 4 October 2020

4th of October 2020 - 7pm Service

Journeys: Destination Heaven

This Sunday we continue our preaching series Journeys: People of the Way with a message from Dave Mitchell on ‘Destination Heaven’.

The Christian life is a journey. It has a beginning, a destination, and things to do, accomplish, and grow in on the way. The early Church was called ‘The Way’ - it implies a way of life, not just a once in a lifetime decision. What does The Way look like?

Earlier today Tim Dobson also spoke about this topic. Check it out!

You will find discussion notes below to help you go deeper with this topic during the week.


Read: Revelation 21v1-8 and 22v1-5

As we come to the close of our Journeys series we are looking at our final destination. Where will this journey following Jesus finally take us?

What is our personal destiny and what is the destiny of our planet?

1. What do you understand by the word "heaven?

2. When Jesus returns there will be a judgement that will put all the things that are wrong with our world, right. What do you understand this judgement to look like?

3. The book of Revelation seems to indicate that in the end there will be a "new heaven and a new earth" which those who have followed Jesus ("names in the Lamb's book of life" Rev 21v27) will enjoy with God for ever. In the end, Heaven will come to earth rather than us going to heaven. What do you think about that? And how should it make us live our lives now?

4. Why do you think we will need a "new heaven" as well as a "new earth"?

5. Knowing the end of the story should give us HOPE to live in the present. Read these verses Colossians 3v1-4, 1 Corinthians 15v42-44 and Philippians 3v20-21. How do these verses inspire hope in you?

6. As with the resurrection of Jesus, there is continuity with his body as well as something brand new (He could be recognised, eat, be touched etc, but he also appeared and disappeared and could walk through walls!) Do you think there will be continuity between the present earth and the renewed earth? If so how should that affect the way we treat our planet?

7. The book of Revelation contains lots of suffering and trouble. Through all this, believers are described in this way "They follow the Lamb wherever he went" Revelation 14v4. In the light of our final destination, how are you following Jesus the Lamb this week?