Christmas at Woodlands Church: Light in the Darkness | Matt Dobson at 7pm | 6 December 2020

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6 December 2020 - 7pm Service

Christmas at Woodlands Church: Light in the Darkness

This Sunday we started our new Christmas Series with a talk from Matt Dobson on ‘Light in the Darkness.’

Our 11am services will be live-streamed online until January. We hope you enjoy Christmas with us!

Remember, earlier today at the 11am service we heard Rachel Riddall speak on the same topic. Go check it out!


The four gospels each give a particular perspective on the life of Jesus. Unlike Matthew and Luke John’s gospel doesn’t give a nativity account. His gospel starts with the perspective of the eternal relationship between God and the Word, or as we understand that, the Father and the Son. The incarnation is introduced in those terms ‘the Word became flesh’ so we have no doubt that the Jesus we worship is also divine.

Big idea: The word becoming flesh speaks of a ‘divine humility’ which is staggering! Is your view of God big enough to grasp the immensity of this act?

  • In what way are human beings ‘in darkness’? Is that true for our present age as well as 1st Century Palestine? 

  • How is the darkness affected by Jesus becoming human?

  • Why did so many of the highly religious, biblically educated people of Jesus time fail to recognise Him?

  • Jesus ‘incarnate’ reveals to us exactly what God is like, (e.g. that God can self-limit, embrace suffering, allow his will not to be done for the sake of giving us the opportunity to freely turn to him and know him). How does your understanding of Go and relationship with Him resonate with those truths?

  • Jesus once said to his followers ‘You are the light of the World’. How can we be that light today?

 Jesus commissioned his followers (e.g. Paul in Acts 26) to call people from darkness to light. Ask God to show you how you can point people to Jesus this Christmas.