United We Stand: Welcome and Inclusion | Matt Dobson at 7pm | 18 October 2020

18 October 2020 - 7pm Service

United We Stand: Welcome and Inculsion

This Sunday we continue our preaching series United We Stand with a message from Matt Dobson on ‘Welcome and Inclusion’.

As a Church, unity is one of our defining values. Without unity, we are unlikely to see our city transformed. In practice, there can be a ‘drag’ away from unity into parochial mindsets and divisions. As a body of believers, we want to actively seek to be unified, and in doing so, see positive transformation.

Remember, earlier today at the 11am service we heard Rachel Riddall speak on the same topic. Go heck it out!

You will find discussion notes below to help you go deeper with this topic during the week.



Much of the New Testament wrestles with issues around inclusion- of the Gentiles becoming part of the (Jewish heritage) people of God. 

Acts 15 is a key chapter exploring how the early Church managed to incorporate the Gentiles into the Christian family and how they were willing to modify deeply held and cherished practices in the light of what God was doing and deeper revelation and understanding of their mission and calling.


  1. What is the difference between ‘welcome’ and ‘inclusion’?

  2. What inclusion issues are there for the Church today?

  3. What principles guided practices towards inclusion in Chapter 15 of Acts?

  4. How do we in our small groups make space for and include people? What is our strategy for this? How central to our purpose is growth, welcome and inclusion?

  5. What biblical guidelines are there for inclusion while holding on to key non negotiables? What might ‘non-negotiables’ be in your understanding?