Fruitfulness: Abiding | Stephen McEwen at 11am | 19 July 2020

19 July 2020 - 11am Service


Today we are looking at FRUITFULNESS and John 15. Dave and Jo are hosting and we are excited to welcome Pastor Stephen McEwen from E5 to share a message on abiding with us. We've got some worship recorded live Colse, April and our Woodlands worship team. Plus we're having communion, so do have some bread and wine/juice ready.

Remember, our new 7pm service is being live-streamed from Woodies tonight! So do be sure to tune in later...Matt Dobson will also be preaching on the topic of abiding.


Here are some questions you might want to reflect on about 'fruitfulness' - read John 15:4-12.

Spiritual connection is vital to spiritual health, just as relational connection is vital to relational health. Jesus had such a strong understand of abiding in the Father and 'only doing what I see the Father doing'. He calls and invites His followers to have that sort of relationship with Him.

  • How do I remain in Christ, or rather what might cause me to cease abiding in Christ, as a Church community or an individual? ( For the early Church their Christ Centred, Cross Centred 'abiding' focus was key to them not slipping back into fruitless legalism. But modern Churches can become centred on a cause rather than centred on Christ and like the Church in Ephesus in Revelation 2, lose their first love).

  • As an individual how do spiritual disciplines help me live out a moment by moment abiding, connecting with Christ?

  • How does the work of and presence of the Spirit keep me abiding in Christ?

  • Can good things be the enemy of the best, or can temptation and idolatry pull me away? The parable of the sower is a metaphor for abiding; the good soil 'retains' the seed.

  • Abiding sounds peaceful. How can meditation and Christian mindfulness play its part in an abiding life?

  • How can we abide when things are busy, crazy or scary?