Woodies Kids Advent: Week Two

Advent 2020: Week Two


This week’s candle focuses on love.

The whole meaning of Christmas can be explained in that one little 4 letter word – LOVE. The birth of Jesus was God’s gift of pure, undeserved, unconditional love for us. Love that came down from heaven, love that was born in a manger, love that would ultimately die on a cross. This week we can focus on that magnificent gift of love given to us in the form of God’s own son.

At Christmas we enjoy showing those around us how much we love them. We buy them gifts; we gather together; we share food. We laugh and sing and eat! Let’s remember that love and remind ourselves that the ultimate show of perfect love was born in a manger.


  • How do you know if someone loves you? 

  • ·Why do you think that Jesus was born?

  • · Do you think God loves everyone?

  • · Is it easy to love everyone?

  • · Can you find a story in the bible where Jesus showed love to someone?


When someone loves you, they might do things for you, make sure you are safe and treat you kindly. Sometimes there are ways we can show love without it looking like something big. A great way you can show love is to pray for someone.

Can you think of anyone who needs to feel God's love right now? They might feel sad or lonely. Is there a way you can show God's love to them?

As a family think of something you can do each day for someone else. This could be for a member of your family or one of your neighbours. It could be as simple as a card saying you are thinking about them or it could be collecting shopping for them or baking them a cake. 

Chat and Catch:

Make yourselves comfortable – close your eyes if you wish:

· Show God in your mind someone you really love.

· Thank God for that person.

· Ask God what He loves most about you