Advent 2020: Week Three


The third week of Advent is all about joy!

Let’s take time to remember that the amazing news of Jesus’ birth brought great joy to those who visited Him in the stable; it was the answer to the many Old Testament prophecies for the people of Israel, but it also has the power to bring us great joy this year and every year. The Bible tells us to rejoice in the Lord always!  It shows us that our joy isn’t dependent on what is going on in our life; in our world or in the lives of people around us. It is more than fleeting happiness. Christmas can easily be a time of happiness – and we want that!  But nothing on earth, nothing we do, can give us complete joy. Our joy comes from God. 

What is the difference between joy and happiness?

 · What makes you happy?

· Are you always happy?

 Often happiness depends on how we feel or what happens to us. It is often based on our circumstances. Having joy is different. Joy comes from knowing the truth about God and his promises for us:

· Is it possible to be joyful when things are not going well?

· What things bring you joy at Christmas?

· How do we keep joy not just at Christmas but always?

 Advent reminds us that our joy is found in Christ

· How does Jesus bring joy to your life?

· How can you share that joy with others?

Chat and Catch:

Find yourself a comfortable place. You may want to close your eyes to help you concentrate.

Tell God the last time you really laughed!

Share with God someone who brings you joy

Thank God for that person

Ask God to remind you of one of His promises that you can hold onto when you don’t feel His joy.