Living in Babylon: Sex & Relationships - Part 1 | Nigel Savage | 6th March 2022 at 7pm

On Sunday evenings in March, we begin a short series called ‘Living in Babylon’.

6th of March

Sex & Relationships .
Matthew 19:1-12 Ephesians 5:22-33. 1 Corinthians 6 & 7.


As Christians we have a very high view of sex. We believe this good gift from God is both precious and powerful. We believe that sexual intercourse is ‘covenantal’ in expressing the unity of husband and wife and acting our an even greater covenant between Christ and his Church. We believe the boundaries scripture gives are ‘good news’, for protection and blessing.

We also recognise this is as profoundly counter cultural now as it was in the time of Christ. We are not seeking to judge anyone but to point to a way of life that offers still offers blessing and protection where there is so much pain around human sexuality.

Questions for discussion

  1. What words or phrases would you use to describe our western culture and society’s view of the place of sex? (e.g. ‘ People should have freedom of choice, provided no one gets hurt’, ‘We live in a sexually liberated world’ ‘There is a lot of pain and exploitation around sex’)

  2. Do you think sexual expression needs boundaries? If so what should they be?

  3. Christianity has celebrated marriage as a life-long partnership between two people

    where sex is exclusively reserved for that relationship. Where does this understanding derive from in the Bible? What issues does this understanding raise for Christians living in contemporary society?

  4. The central founder of Christianity (Jesus) and its chief theologian and church shaper (Paul) were both single men. How does today’s Church celebrate singleness? Are single people disadvantaged in Church life? What does it mean to be single and sexual?

  1. How do you relate to the ‘high bar’ of teaching on marriage Jesus gives in Matthew

    19? What does Jesus mean by ‘those who can accept this teaching should accept it’?

  2. Do you think the traditional Christian view of marriage is good news or bad news?
