Woodies Kids | Old Testament Characters Week 10 - Isaiah

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this week we focus on…


So far in the last 3 weeks we have heard of 3 prophets who heard from God and gave a message to someone else for Him.

In all 3 of those instances, they didn’t have to wait very long to see God fulfil those messages. Jonah, spoke for God and told the city of Ninevah to repent, and they did – well, after he’d spent some time in a whale of course! Elisha, spoke for God and told Naaman to bathe in the river Jordan and he would be healed – and he was! And Elijah prayed for God to send fire – and he did! This week is a little bit different, because this week we are looking at a prophecy that took thousands of years to be fulfilled. In fact this isn’t just one prophecy. throughout the Old Testament, God spoke to His prophets and promised them a Messiah – their rescuer. The details were even pretty specific – All the way back in Genesis “The Messiah will be born of a woman”, Micah – “The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem”, Isaiah – “The Messiah would be called a Nazarene”.

The people had to wait a very long time to see this happen. But it did happen. Because God always fulfils His promises.

Time to Think

Have you ever had to wait for something for a REALLY long time?

Can you share what it was and how long you had to wait?

Do you find it hard to wait for something that is really exciting?


Ask the children to stand on one leg for a minute; when they think the minute is up they can sit down. Comment that time seems to pass slowly when you are waiting for something – even if it is only to put your foot down!

Say that when people were waiting for the Messiah/saviour/Jesus to be born time seemed to pass slowly – but God kept his promise! Because God always keeps his promises.

After 1 minute has passed, tell the children who was closest in their estimation.


Read this list of some of God’s promises

Have you ever had to wait for something for a REALLY long time?

Can you share what it was and how long you had to wait?

Do you find it hard to wait for something that is really exciting?


Ask the children to stand on one leg for a minute; when they think the minute is up they can sit down. Comment that time seems to pass slowly when you are waiting for something – even if it is only to put your foot down!

Say that when people were waiting for the Messiah/saviour/Jesus to be born time seemed to pass slowly – but God kept his promise! Because God always keeps his promises.

After 1 minute has passed, tell the children who was closest in their estimation.


Read this list of some of God’s promises

gods promises.png

Spend a moment together to listen to God as you read these out. Is there one that you think God wants you to hear today? Thank God for His promise of sending Jesus. Thank God that because of Jesus we don’t have to wait for a prophet to tell us what God is saying. We can hear this for ourselves!