Devotion Youth Church are looking for volunteers

Devotion is our youth ministry for 11-18 year olds and our vision is to help young people become radically welcoming, more fully devoted followers of Jesus and agents of change in the world.

We gather together in three main contexts, one of them being on a Sunday morning during the 9.15am and 11am services. It's an exciting opportunity to discuss faith, ask big questions and learn what it means to live like Jesus in a small group context.

We're currently on the look out for adult volunteers to serve the year 7-9 group at both services and particularly keen to find a male and female to lead the group.

So, if you've got a passion for young people and a sense of vision for the group then we'd love to hear from you.

To make your interest known, please read the following role specification Google Doc and the application form is here.

Find out more about Devotion at