Monthly Prophecy Clinics


We believe that God speaks to us every day, if we only take the time to listen.

On the second Sunday of each month, we run a prophetic clinic in the afternoon at Woodlands. Prophecy Clinics are bookable slots where our team will pray, listen and ask God to speak prophetically into your life. Teams will not necessarily know you or your previous experience. So if you are seeking God’s wisdom or a bit of encouragement, a prophecy clinic slot might be a really helpful and timely thing.

The purpose of these clinics is two-fold, to give an opportunity for people to hear what their heavenly Father has on his heart for them, who he has made them to be, and what he is calling them to do and also for those who are part of the team running the clinic to grow in the gift of prophecy by spending time listening to God for others.


What happens on the day at the clinic:  

Prophecy Clinics are in person at Woodlands. You will be introduced to a team of three or four people who will briefly pray for you and then spend some time, in quiet, listening to God for you.  The team members will then share what they feel God is saying and one of the team will write down a summary of what is shared, so that you can take it away with you (or you can bring a recording device or phone that can be used to record your session).  Each appointment will last around 20 mins.

You can book a 25 minute session between 5pm - 6.30pm on the second Sunday of the month.

Visit the Diary to book.