January EcoChallenge: Be more eco friendly in 2022

For our January EcoChallenge, Woodlands People & Planet are sharing some helpful ways for us to be more eco friendly in 2022. Some of us are overcome with anxiety by our planet’s future, others are simply wondering what we could do more of to live more sustainably. 

There is a huge disparity between the impact you as an individual consumer can have vs that of large corporations and it often fills us with a sense of “why bother”. It may seem pointless to try when all you hear in the media are horror stories about rising sea levels, droughts and coral reefs dying. But it is so much more damaging to bury your head in the proverbial sand and do nothing than to change at least one thing that will lead to a more sustainable lifestyle. 

Mindy Chung argues that “being eco-friendly isn’t a competition or standard – there’s no need to approach it from a perfectionist standpoint. It’s just about doing what you can to lessen your carbon footprint – both as an individual and as a consumer.” 

So what can you do in 2022?


Start small
No one can change everything all at once, think/pray about one thing you would like to change and do it.


Avoid single-use waste when possible

Buy loose fruit and vegetables where you can – most shops offer this – and buy from places that allow you to use your own bags or jars (this may mean that you pay more for your goods, I consider this as an investment into the producers, the earth and my children’s future).


Buy second-hand when possible

You can buy most things second hand these days – from clothing to furniture to electrical goods – charity shops and online platforms like ebay or gumtree offer a wealth of items that are cheaper to buy than if you buy them new and mean that you are making use of an item that would otherwise be put into landfill. 


Become a conscientious consumer

We are all tempted by cheap offers and like to think we are virtuous because we are saving money. But the reality is that there is usually someone/something in the production chain that suffers because our need for a bargain. Educating yourself about the companies you buy from and the products that are particularly harmful to the environment is an important step to become a more conscientious consumer.  


Advocate for change

Never underestimate that your voice can make a difference when you demand change. Be vocal on social media, vote for environmental matters, support figures who are passionate about the environment and lobby your MP when and where you can. This takes energy to do but it is so worthwhile!

We can’t do everything all at once but one step at a time will make a big difference. Wishing you a happy start to 2022!

For more information, check out Mindy Chung’s essay that this blog was based on:


If you’d be interested in finding out more about the Woodlands People + Planet group, or have some feedback about the challenges, connect with us: